
Wharton Neuroscience Summit

November 3, 2023

Brain Capital:
The Future of Human Creativity, Well-Being, and Performance

On Friday, November 3, 2023, more than 100 attendees joined us at Huntsman Hall on Wharton’s campus for our sold-out Wharton Neuroscience Summit. The day-long event, titled “Brain Capital: The Future of Human Creativity, Well-Being, and Performance,” focused on our population’s collective resource of cognitive, emotional, and social skills, which will be the indispensable driver of the modern knowledge economy.

If you missed the chance to attend or want to revisit one of the great presentations you saw from our industry and academic experts, we’ve got you covered, below.

Launching a New American Brain Mission

Harris A. Eyre, MD, PhD; Lead, Brain Capital Alliance, Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University

AI, Uncertainty & the Rise of AI Risk Managers

Missy Cummings, PhD; DirectorMason Autonomy and Robotics Center (MARC), George Mason University

Socioeconomic Inequity & Children’s Brain Development

Kimberly Noble, MD, PhD; Professor of Neuroscience & Education, Columbia University, Teachers College

The Scientific Approach to Developing & Testing Peak-Performance Training Regiments

Nicholas Port, PhD; Professor, Indiana University School of Optometry, Psychology & Brain Sciences

Investing in Older Adults to Build Brain Capital Panel

Mitchell S. V. Elkind, MD, MS, FAAN, FAHA; Chief Clinical Science Officer, American Heart Association; Professor of Neurology & Epidemiology, Columbia University
Rajiv AhujaAssociate Director, Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging
Kelly O’BrienVice President of Prevention, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s
George Demiris, PhD, FACMI; Mary Alice Bennett University Professor, Associate Dean for Research & Innovation, PIK (Penn Integrates Knowledge) University Professor, School of Nursing & Perelman School of Medicine, The University of Pennsylvania
Jason Karlawish, MD; Professor of Medicine (Geriatrics), Director of Research Education Component (Core F), Alzheimer’s Center, Perelman School of Medicine, The University of Pennsylvania

Investing in Children to Build Brain Capital Panel

Jayme Banks, PsyD, MBA; Deputy Chief of Prevention & Trauma, The School District of Philadelphia
Laura Jana, MD; Pediatrician, Author, Chief Innovation Officer, Penn State’s Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative
Kimberly Noble, MD, PhD; Professor of Neuroscience & Education, Columbia University, Teachers College
Chemba RaghavanPhD; Senior Advisor, Early Childhood Development, Nutrition & Child Development Programme Group, UNICEF
Tim Foxx, MPA; Director, Center for School Study Councils, Graduate School of Education, The University of Pennsylvania

Brain Capital & Peak Performance Panel

Lindsay Shaw, EdM, EdD; Director of Sport Psychology, Cleveland Guardians
Jay Yelon, DO, FACS, FCCM; Commander, Medical Corp, US Navy
Nicholas Port, PhD; Professor, Indiana University School of Optometry, Psychology & Brain Sciences
Leila Entezam, LMFT, MBA; Leadership Advisor to High Performers, EQ Thought Leader, Coach, Speaker, LEZAM.IT

Brain Deals to Build Brain Capital Panel

Aaron KauferState Representative, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
David EdelmanExecutive Advisor, Independent Board Member, Lecturer, Harvard Business School
Danish MunirFounding Partner, GreyMatter Capital
Harris A. Eyre, MD, PhD; Lead, Brain Capital Alliance, Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University
Bob McCulloughVice President, Clinical Strategy, Kooth Digital Health

Human Brain Capital in the Artificial Intelligence Era Panel

Gale Lucas, PhD; Assistant Professor, University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies
Stefano Puntoni, PhD; Sebastian S. Kresge Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School
Michael Jabbour, DACM, MBA; Chief Innovation Officer, US Education, Microsoft
Missy Cummings, PhD; DirectorMason Autonomy and Robotics Center (MARC), George Mason University
Scott SandlandCEO, Cyrano
Cornelia Walthers, PhD; Senior Research Fellow, Center for Social Norms & Behaviors, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania

A Visual Recap

by Lisa Rothstein

Lisa Rothstein, cartoonist for the New Yorker and illustrator extraordinaire, lent her services to the Wharton Neuroscience Summit, providing free-form, on-the-fly visual representations for each session. Check out the images below for a fascinating look inside the brain of a visual thinker.

Brain Deals to Build Brain Capital

AI, Uncertainty & the Rise of AI Risk Managers

Human Brain Capital in the Artificial Intelligence Era

Socioeconomic Inequity & Children’s Brain Development

Lisa Rothstein's illustration of Socioeconomic Inequity & Children’s Brain Development”

Investing in Children to Build Brain Capital

Lisa Rothstein's illustration of Socioeconomic Inequity & Children’s Brain Development”

Investing in Older Adults to Build Brain Capital

Lisa Rothstein's illustration of Investing in Older Adults to Build Brain Capital

The Scientific Approach to Developing & Testing Peak-Performance Training Regiments

Lisa Rothstein's illustration of The Scientific Approach to Developing & Testing Peak-Performance Training Regiments

Brain Capital & Peak Performance

Lisa Rothstein's illustration of Brain Capital & Peak Performance

Hosted by the Wharton Neuroscience Initiative


Michael Platt, PhD (Penn G’94)

Director, Wharton Neuroscience Initiative; James S. Riepe University Professor, PIK (Penn Integrates Knowledge) University Professor, Marketing Department, the Wharton School; Department of Neuroscience, Perelman School of Medicine; Department of Psychology, School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Pennsylvania

Zab Headshot 2022

Elizabeth “Zab” Johnson, PhD

Executive Director, Wharton Neuroscience Initiative,

Senior Fellow

Summit Event Team

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Schotland McQuade

Program Coordinator, Wharton Neuroscience Initiative