The Wharton Neuroscience Student Society welcomes CEO of Triggers Brand Consulting, Leslie Zane, to speak at the first BrainBiz Lunch of Fall 2024!
People don’t make decisions with their conscious mind, but on instinct. In this compelling talk, behavioral expert and award-winning Fortune 500 brand consultant Leslie Zane reveals how to bypass the conscious mind to scale brands and businesses faster by tapping into the hidden brain.
Zane demonstrates that to grow a brand, business, or even a social movement, traditional persuasion tactics fall short. In fact, the traditional rules of marketing clash with the conscious mind. Zane introduces a new set of practical rules that work with the brain instead of against it.
In her talk, she not only provides real world applications of neuroscience and behavioral science, she challenges sacred marketing cows showing business leaders how to achieve easier, faster success. Zane's new book, "The Power of Instinct: The New Rules of Persuasion in Business and Life" has been heralded as the “next gamechanger” after “Blink” and “Thinking Fast and Slow” and her work at Triggers is referred to by clients as the "application playbook" for Sharp’s “How Brands Grow.”
After the talk, there will be a lively Q&A in which Zane will answer questions in real time and sign books for those who have purchased them in advance.
BrainBiz Luncheons provide a venue for students at all levels to hear from industry representatives who connect brain science and business.
BrainBiz Luncheons connect students with people outside of academia who share how their organization's work incorporates knowledge and methodologies from both neuroscience and business. These lunches are both information-rich and educational and provide opportunities for students to find internships and potential future employment.