

BrainBiz ft HealthTech Connex

Monday February 27, 2023
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM EST

Steinberg Hall - Dietrich Hall

3620 Locust Walk Room 213
Philadelphia, PA 199104

Event Organizer - Wharton Neuroscience Student Society

The Wharton Neuroscience Student Society is hosting a BrainBiz Lunch with HealthTech Connex featuring Dr. Ryan C.N. D'Arcy and Balraj Dhillon. They're coming to talk to students about their career paths, what they are working on now and how it relates to neuroscience, as well as offering any advice and possible employment opportunities that are available. For more information on HealthTech Connex, you can check out their website:

Steinberg Hall - Dietrich Hall

3620 Locust Walk Room 213
Philadelphia, PA 199104

Event Organizer - Wharton Neuroscience Student Society